

Gingery Oat Bread

By |7 February 2024|

Yes, ginger and oats do make a great combination. The nice toasted oats adds sweetness to some fiery ginger flavour.

This bread can make a great snack […]

Ginger effects & Menopause

By |16 November 2023|

It’s always interesting when researching something that is happening to you and also highlighting the benefits of a food that you are closely connect with, that […]

Ultimate Ginger Porridge

By |11 August 2023|

For all my products, porridge has to be one of those ultimate comfort foods that compliments all my ginger flavours. Of course, even some […]

Gingery Oat Bread

Yes, ginger and oats do make a great combination. The nice toasted oats adds sweetness to some fiery ginger flavour.

This bread can make a great snack during the day with the ginger. Some nice […]

Stem Ginger Oat Breakfast Bars

These oat bars are my go to snack in the morning when on the move. They really have it all for a complete breakfast when time is short.

With the added bonus of oats, linseed, […]

Ginger effects & Menopause

It’s always interesting when researching something that is happening to you and also highlighting the benefits of a food that you are closely connect with, that being ginger root. Now don’t get me wrong […]

Ultimate Ginger Porridge

For all my products, porridge has to be one of those ultimate comfort foods that compliments all my ginger flavours. Of course, even some nice overnight oats works so well with my […]

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